label : chi nguyen
code name : chibixchan
existence : nineteen years
location : minnesota
education : college student
employment : interning somewhere soon ^^x
mission : enjoy the journey of life
motto : do not go through life without leaving some kind of positive mark.
* Step out of my comfort zone!
- Take risks!
- Converse, be social
- Try new things! (martial arts, piano,
* Have more energy!
- sleep, water, breakfast, exercise
- enthusiasm! =D
- good posture boosts energy!
* Have more confidence in myself! ^.~
* Attitude is key
- always envision the positive
- program your mind for success!
* Make new friends
- I don't have to put up with people
who disrespect me
* Be a more thoughtful person
- Go out of your way for others
- Keep in touch with people
* Let go of the past
* Live simple
- Enjoy the simple things in life!
- Keep a young heart! Have fun!
- You are only young once.
* Work hard in school!
- Study ahead of time!
- Write out specificthings I need to do
in order to succeed
* Stay healthy and fit
- water, milk, fruits, vitamins, etc.
- at least 7 hours of sleep
- take care of my teeth
* Work out plan!
- at least 360 crunches
- push-ups, lunges, butt-kick, wall
-sits, leg lifts, jumps
- tae bo, Densie Austin, pilates
- stairs running / dance! / gym!
* Be a better listener
* Mind exercises...
* It's not that hard to talk, Just talk!
- express myself better verbally
* Be productive
- don't be lazy
- don't waste time
* Get a job already!
* Be more independent
* Read, read, read
- become knowledgeable
- watch the news
- the person who doesn't read is no
better off than the person who can't.
December 11, 2005
If I had a second chance,
I'd stop looking and start seeing,
If I had a second chance,
and treat everyone as human being.
I'd stop taking and start giving.
Stop hiding and start living.
I'd do more listening and a lot less talking,
Enjoy the world and do more walking.
I'd take my eyes off my watch and watch with my eyes.
To notice the trees and the beautiful sky.
I'd stop criticizing and show more love.
Be less forgetful and give thanks up above.
I'd be less angry and swallow my pride,
And skjfkl;ajf with the world what I have inside.
I'd stop hating and be more kind,
And give a little more of my precious time.
I'd give more encouragement and a lot more praise.
And do less judging for I too have lost my way.
I'd get my priorities in order and straight,
Better now than never Lord, I'm just a bit too late.
I'd stop hopelessly chasing after the wind,
From this point on a new I begin.
I'd find my way back to the Lord's humble grace,
With a vow never again to lose my place.
I'm changing my life and I've made a stance,
Oh Lord, what I wouldn't give for a second chance.
It's not the destination that counts in life
it's the journey.
The journey with the people we love is all that really matters.
Such a simple truth so easily forgotten.
me was here @
2:39 AM